Meet Our Protein Characterization Problem Solver

Microflow Imaging (MFI™)

Subvisible particle analysis for biopharmaceuticals


Micro-Flow Imaging: Image-based Particle Analysis for Biopharmaceuticals

MFI gives you more insight into the world of sub-visible particles—way more than just size and count. Because it's image-based, you can add quantifiable morphological parameters to your analysis. You'll be differentiating particle populations from each other and classifying them in no time. Plus, it's got an optic focal length that spans the entire fluidic path, so your sample data is robust and reproducible day in and day out. Add a Bot1 anytime to automate the whole process and kick your throughput up a notch. If you're looking for broader, deeper analysis of your biotherapeutic products, MFI is the particle analysis tool for you.


What MFI can do for you?

  • Precise and quantitative characterization of particle size, concentration and morphology
  • Differentiate particle populations within your sample
  • Measure translucent protein aggregates
  • Automate runs for up to 96 samples
  • Get quantitative data in less than 10 minutes per sample




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Description MFI 5100 MFI 5200
Size Range 2 to 300 µm 1 to 70 µm
Percent of Sample Analyzed >85% — entire size range >85% — entire size range
Depth of Field (DOF) 400 µm 100 µm
Flow Cell Depth 400 µm — DOF matched 100 µm — DOF matched
Analysis Rate 200 µL/min 150 µL/min
Maximum Concentration (@2.5 µm) 175,000 particles/mL 900,000 particles/mL
Automation High Throughput Bot1 Autosampler (optional)
Sample Loading Options Pipette tip: 1 mL manual insertion, 1 mL Autosampler Syringe barrel
2 mL, 10 mL, 20 mL manual insertion
BD Hypak™ Syringe Introduction Adapter: 1 mL, 2 mL
Flow Cell Coatings Non-coated, hydrophobic, custom
Precision Stirring Variable speed control: 200-2,000 RPM
Compatible with syringe barrel usage
Data Output Chart formats: histograms, scatterplots, trend charts
Image formats: uncompressed TIFF(analysis), compressed JPG(storage)
Particle Count Parameters Particle count, concentration, mass, volume
Morphology Parameters Size (ECD), maximum feret diameter, aspect ratio, circularity, area, perimeter, intensity
Customized Analysis Filters Combine two or more image and count parameters in a filter, for up to 511 different custom analysis filters
MFI View System Software (MVSS) See product brochure for full details Method-based analysis protocols
Time - resolved analysis and data compression for storage
21 CFR Part 11 enabling features
Secure access with comprehensive audit / log files
Fully compatible with MFI View Analysis Suite(MVAS)
MFI View Analysis Suite (MVAS) See product brochure for full details Review images, parametric data and trend charts
Isolate sub - populations using find - similar function
Create multi - node filters with real - time feedback
Overlay and compare data sets
Generate comprehensive reports with multiple categories
Create analysis templates for repeat use
Dimensions MFI 5000 Alone: 23.97 in W X 17.01 in D X 12.00 in H
With Bot1 Autosampler: 23.97 in W X 17.01 in D X 26.20 in H

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